Big Easy Love: My Weekend In New Orleans


Being 29, unmarried and childless can be tough sometimes. Seeing the majority of your friends having date nights, bridal showers and baby booms doesn’t make you feel so great when you’re binge watching Orange Is The New Black over a pint of Haagen Daz (that you promised you wouldn’t demolish in one sitting). Don’t misunderstand me, I love my season of solitude, but sometimes depending on my mood (or the time of the month), the reminder that I’m all by my lonesome can get me feeling a little bummed. I know these feelings are normal, many women who are knocking on thirty’s door naturally begin to develop a desire for marriage and family – I just often wonder when that time will come for me. While that question still goes unanswered, I see the best in the single life; I love the privilege and liberation that comes along with being domestically unattached. I eat out at least four times a week, I leave the bathroom door open when I pee, I clean up when I feel like it and I can come and go as I please.

Speaking of coming and going, earlier this month I got a text from my best friend, Raynell. She raved about landing an exciting new opportunity at a reputable non-profit organization. Before I could fully extend my congratulations to her, she proposed we meet up in New Orleans, LA for a celebratory getaway before she started her new gig (which was a few weeks away). Now Ray has been quite the travel bug for the past five years. Since 2011 she’s been dancing across the globe while on a teaching contract in Jeju City, South Korea. With much time and effort put forth, we’ve become accustomed to having a long-distance best-friendship. Thanks to Skype, Facebook Messenger and KakaoTalk, we have kept our love afloat, but nothing compares to that in-person connection. The last time I physically saw her was late November 2015 during her layover at the Atlanta Airport. We spent all of 40 minutes together trying to squeeze in months of catching up before she had to board her flight back home. So I knew I just had to make this trip happen.

Crossing my fingers, I checked for flight deals, requested off of work and searched for hotels. Lo and behold, in a matter of five days, the turn up God’s worked everything out in our favor! I found a cheap flight, my off-days were approved and Ray’s friend from Korea insisted that we stay at his apartment…which was smack-dab in the heart of The French Quarter. Clearly this trip was meant to be. As the wheels went up, I was so grateful and excited for the fun to be had and the memories to be made. Continue reading

The Art Of Exposure



Imagine a woman in an empty room. Her eyes are passionately vacant, her mind is utterly open and her wine glass is bottomless. She sits there slowly sipping, silent yet raging with reality. She begins to drift off into the deep waters of her mind until she finds herself lost at sea. The deeper she explores her consciousness, the more in tune she becomes with herself. As she looks within, her deep sea of thoughts collide with troubled waters of sadness, pain and uncertainty. She glances at the crashing tide drawing near and her heart begins to brim over with fear. As the deep, ferocious waves approached her, she sensed that she wasn’t strong enough to fight them…but there was little time for hesitation – and so, instinctively she surrenders. She closed her eyes, held her breath and let go. Her lack of resistance made her one with the heavy waters as they immersed her. As she came back up and opened her eyes, completely drenched from despair and salty tears – she then felt peaceful, refined…and brave. The raging waters of her emotions suddenly calmed as her psyche made it back to shore. As she caught her breath, she glanced at the waves accented by the warm hues of the sunset. In the midst of all the chaos within her, she smiled, because all at once…everything was okay!

This is my illustration of vulnerability (inspired by a little Jhene Aiko and Cabernet!)

The woman depicted above is me, and you, and all of us at a point in time. I know that there are many out there who can identify with this common predicament – overwhelmed with vulnerability yet afraid to face it. Be it with yourself or others, being vulnerable is not considered the most ideal of circumstances. Continue reading

Invest In Yourself!

note to self

I love this quote. Every time I come across it, it seems to jumps out at me! It’s such a lovely reminder to feed your soul in whatever way you may see fit. I even have a half-written post saved on my laptop emphasizing the significance of doing what makes your soul feel good. As much as this concept speaks volumes to me, I often lose sight of it. Continue reading

Breaking Bad Habits


As we’re closing out week three of 2016, most of us still have a taste of the New Year on our lips. The self-improvement and goal-setting season is in full effect and everyone seems to still be focused on their annual aspirations. Whether you may be working on your summer body, building your credit or vowing to drink more water (self-noted), we all should have something we can work on to better ourselves. This is why setting goals are essential in life.

In the most simplistic of terms, a goal is a desired result. You must envision it, plan it and commit to it. Personally, I have several desired results that I would love to see come to past this year. Some of my goals are great and grandiose while others are simple and small. Regardless of how big or small my goals may be, I have to take action in order to obtain them.

Before I proceed, let me have a truth moment. Setting and obtaining goals have always been a challenge for me. Now, I am fantastic at envisioning something that I want – my colorful, sometimes idealistic mind is always on overdrive. I’m also very good at planning things out – Lord knows how many notebooks and planners I have tucked away in my closet, but when it comes to committing to something, that’s when it gets hard for me. I believe it’s because I’m scatterbrained. If a specific goal is too intricate for me, I tend to get overwhelmed and push it to the back of my mind. (Do better, Laura)

After doing some self-reflection, I now realize what I need to do. I have to take baby-steps and start with more simple, practical goals, which leads to my topic… Continue reading

Lovin’ on The Clock

Work…every adult’s reality as the alarm clock goes off. A place we all have to go to. The very source of the disgruntled “Monday Blues” selfies on Instagram.

But ultimately, working is the sole purpose of provision in American culture. Since the beginning of time the principal of “work to eat” has been ingrained in our society.

Research shows that over 50% of Americans work forty plus hours per week. That means that the majority of us working class citizens are spending almost 25% of our time at our jobs.

Time is valuable. Time is something that we can’t control yet it controls so many things around us. One prominent factor measured and controlled by time is money – hence Benjamin Franklin’s ever so famous metaphor…”time is money” Essentially, we use our time to make our money. This is why so much time and effort is put forth at our places of business because it’s the basis of our well-being.

With that being said, we are not alone in this ongoing journey to keep food on the table (we all gotta eat, right?). The common grounds and similar predicaments in our lives create genuine bonds with those that we call coworkers…which leads to my topic:

Workplace romance. As sensitive as this subject may be, it happens! Whether you’re working for Microsoft or McDonald’s, fraternizing is a certainty. From a professional standpoint, the reasoning behind discouraging it is understood…but at the end of the day, you can’t control people’s feelings. Continue reading

Man Crush Monday: Michael ‘Bae’ Jordan

If you know me well enough, you know how much I adore Michael B. Jordan. You know? The very handsome actor whose best known for his prominent roles in The Wire, Chronicle and (most importantly) Fruitvale Station.


At only 28 years old, this Jersey native has been the epitome of a breakout star. He has truly progressed since those days as Wallace on The Wire (remember the awkward, young drug dealer with the ashy cornrows?). Who would have thought that he’d end up being such a phenomenal, promising black actor? If you have been privileged to see his work, I’m sure you agree that he is a “Denzel in the making”.

He has broken the silence in the black community with his breath-taking performance as Oscar Grant in Fruitvale Station and he is currently breaking color Lines as Johnny Storm (an originally white comic book character) in Fantastic Four. Needless to say, I love Michael B. Jordan for many reasons.

In honor of Man Crush Monday, here is why I love Michael ‘Bae’ Jordan: Continue reading

You’re welcome!

Almost two years ago I became acquainted with The Internet…not the “world wide web” internet but The Internet Band. I was in the company of a then, new friend. We were hanging out and wandered through his YouTube playlist. I remember when “Dontcha” came on, the bassline in the intro instantly captivated my ears. I was pleasantly surprised as I looked at the tv screen, the band was a real band! I saw guitars, keyboards, high-hats and snares. Not to mention Chad Hugo from the Neptunes!

When the lead singer opened her mouth, I was so intrigued. From her modern, hipster look, I didn’t expect her voice to be so soft, mellow and sweet. After that first encounter, I was indeed impressed:

Continue reading


TGIF, a term that all of us can attest to every week. For me, its payday and the end of an ever so long and draining work week. Don’t get me wrong, I love what I do but working in HR can be challenging when you’re somewhat of an introvert. I don’t always feel like talking, (or listening) but it’s required of me being in the Human Resources department. I’m constantly in contact with people who have problems, opinions and different outlooks on life. The daily dilemmas of a small, call-center are always waiting for me on the other side of my office door. Something as small as “I can’t find my turkey sandwich that I put in the fridge this morning” can quickly turn into “I’m calling the police because somebody stole my sandwich!” if it’s not addressed and handled properly. Okay, I’m being slightly facetious, but oftentimes I have to put on my “Olivia Pope” hat and put out small fires to avoid big fires from starting. This is why most Friday nights, you can find me passed out on the couch with the TV watching me!

Friday is great but Saturday is my absolute favorite day of the week. The work week is over, I get to sleep in, the whole day is at my disposal and I still have one more day to spare before I’m back on the grind.

In a perfect world, my Saturday would start off with brunch outside and endless mimosas. The weather would be about 80 with a cool breeze. After brunch I would go and catch a matinee, preferably a romantic comedy. By the time the movie’s over, there would still be about 3 hours of sunshine, so why not go downtown and have an early dinner on the balcony of a quaint little restaurant with a live band? Okay great! After dinner, a delectable treat involving chocolate, whipped cream and cherries sounds awesome. As I’m headed home, I can catch the sunset and reflect on my awesome day. The night ends relaxing on the couch with a book that I’ve been trying to get through for the past month! Sounds good, huh?…yeah that never happens!

Being in my twenties, you would think that as soon as I clocked out on Friday, the party music is cued and I’m off to “Turn Down for What”(I loathe that song, btw!). That actually has never been my reality. I’m kind of easy like a Sunday morning. Now I’m not a complete square, I do partake in a turn up or two every once in a while but I prefer more laid back fun! Continue reading